Why Are YOU Here? Tell us your story.

WAYH is a campaign for global unity, a platform for us all to learn about the endless connections we share with each and every other person on our planet. Finding those connections among billions of people is a massive task, one we are taking on using the latest AI technologies.
We start with an interactive blog, a place for you to share your thoughts and experiences, those key facets that you've discovered in your life that make you unique and have inspired you to carve out your mission. Here you join millions from around the world also sharing their stories, in every language, country, age group, and all the different aspects that make us a unique thriving society of individuals.
This is where AI first comes in to support us by providing full translations and aligning cultural idioms for clear understandings among us all. Next, AI searches all the inputs and finds common threads at every level. For example, you might find that a hobby you have had for many years is also shared by a younger child somewhere around the globe and is their full passion and life career goal. Imagine your surprise when you connect with them and become a mentor! What you'll share and maybe even learn.
The blog has a live interactive chat platform where AI provides real time translation and creates connections between people who share commonalities on infinite levels.
Our social media platforms are connected here and offer another way to develop interconnected people and communities. WhatsApp groups will evolve from specific topics, regions, and interrelated aspects, all mapped and supported by AI.

Moving to the next level, as AI continues to mine our shared data, larger connections will evolve. As we all continue the conversation, more details will emerge,pre common threads, more and deeper connections.
This is a reverse funnel: starting with individuals, building to small groups, then unifying groups to build international communities.
AI builds a lineage tree showing how everyone is a connected component. We can transcend race, religion, politics, nationalities, and more.
As the connections between these communities are elucidated, we will reach our ultimate goal and true reality: that we really all are ONE. One people, one race, one community.